Sunday, September 29, 2013

They unite in a common con

545 people are responsible for the mess, but they unite in a common con.  Charley Reese, 1984

When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise complete power over the government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.  Charley Reese, 1984

The country faces another government shutdown on 1 OCT.  WHY?  Please read the second quote above again. 

One con the 545 engage in is the blame game.  Democrats blame Republicans for being obstructionists, engaging in partisan politics, and not looking out for the interests of “the American people.”  Republicans blame Democrats for being obstructionists, engaging in partisan politics, and not looking out for “the American people.  The really sad thing is, they’re both right. 

So, is it the Republican majority in the House that is being obstructionist or is the Democratic majority in Senate and the current Democrat that occupies the White House that are being obstructionists?  Or, is it all just political gamesmanship?  As Charlie Reese said, “they unite in a common con.”

The blame game is all about the message.  The party that does a better job of convincing “the American people” that the other side is causing the problem wins!  And after all, isn’t that what really matters.

Here is some Democratic messaging reported by POLITICO today: “Democrats are portraying support for the House language [which defunds the ACA] as a vote for a shutdown.” “House Budget Committee ranking member Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) pushed back, explaining that Democrats have been trying to negotiate for months.  He pointed to the Republican refusal to convene a conference to come to a compromise between the House and Senate passed budgets.  Instead, Van Hollen said, Republicans intentionally stalled budget negotiations so they could attach an attempt to defund Obamacare on a last-minute spending bill.  ‘Drive the country to the cliff and then say give us what we want,’ Van Hollen said.

Here is some Republican messaging from Senator Ted Cruz: “’If we have a shutdown, it will be because Harry Reid holds that absolutist position and essentially holds the American people hostage,’ the Texas Republican said on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press.’  He says, ‘I’m not willing to compromise, I’m not willing to even talk. His position is 100 percent of Obamacare must be funded in all instances. Other than that, he’s going to shut the government down.’”

 What’s at stake?  “That message could carry huge political implications for Republicans. The GOP took the blame for the government shutdowns in the 1990s and polling suggests the same could happen now.  Republicans acknowledged as much, with Idaho Rep. Raul Labrador telling ‘Meet the Press’: ‘I think everybody agrees that this is a loser for us.’”  The Republicans must do all they can to counter what appears to be successful Democratic messaging.

Will there be a shutdown, or will there be an eleventh hour short-term, shortsighted compromise for which the two parties can declare a victory “for the American people?”  We’ll have to wait and see. 

Just 545 Americans have fouled up this great nation.   Charley Reese, 1984

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 235 million [300 million today] cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted – by present facts – of incompetence and irresponsibility.  Charley Reese 1984

And, if you please indulge me, just one more from Charley Reese:  Those 545 people and they alone are responsible.  They and they alone have the power.  They and they alone should be held accountable by the people [us] who are their bosses – provided they [we] have the gumption to manage their [our] employees.

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