Tuesday, May 14, 2013

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”   Albert Einstein

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”  Albert Einstein

Our Nation faces serious challenges. 

On June 16, 2011, Psychology Today carried an article titled “Don’t Blame the Politicians: Why voters lie to themselves.”  In the article Dr. Loretta Graziano Breuning states:

It’s natural to like people who smile on your dreams.  Politicians win our affection [and their elections] by encouraging our dreams.  Politicians want to please us, and we want them to please us.  Democracy means being told what you want to hear.* 

However, she goes on to point out, “If voters expect politicians to fulfill all their wishes, they are asking to be lied to.”
Dr. Breuning explains that politicians “are as flawed as the rest of us.”  Consequently, we shouldn’t blame them for our Nation’s problems because “they’re just representing their constituencies.”  We want them to tell us they can solve the problems so they oblige.

When was the last time a politician was honest and told us, “Trade-offs are part of life.  A choice that brings more of X leaves less of Y.”  Why don’t they tell us?  Because we really don’t want to hear it ourselves.  Telling us such things would create political risk, which is unacceptable when your greatest imperative is winning that next election.
That is not to say politicians are totally without blame: “Of course we need to watch politicians to make sure we don’t get swindled.  Power does corrupt.”

Then Dr. Breuning offers this caution:

… if you’re just sifting for details that fit your malicious preconceptions [confirmation bias], you’re not open to the truth.  Hostile watchdogs are not good guides to public policy.  They’re against everything except their pet panacea….      

If we cannot solve our problems using the same thinking we used when we created them, what will lead us to solutions?  As Dr. Bruening points out, “The onus is on us to have reasonable expectations.”

*Breuning, Loretta Graziano.  “Don’t Blame the Politicians: Why voters lie to themselves.”  June 16, 2011.  PsychologyToday.com  Retrieved from:

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