Wednesday, August 3, 2011

In their own words.

Today, CNN carried a report by Alan Silverleib and Tom Cohen titled, "Obama signs debt ceiling bill, ends crisis."*  The article states, "Obama praised the deal as 'an important first step for ensuring that as a nation we live within our means.'" 

The article also states, "...the American economy 'didn't need Washington to come along with a manufactured crisis,' the president noted. 'It's pretty likely that the uncertainty surrounding the raising of the debt ceiling -- for both businesses and consumers -- has been unsettling, and just one more impediment to the full recovery that we need. And it was something that we could have avoided entirely.  Voters may have chosen divided government, but they sure didn't vote for dysfunctional government,' the president said."

The last paragraph says:

"'I think all of us need to reflect on how these institutions are conducting themselves, how members are conducting themselves,' said Sen. Kent Conrad, D-North Dakota, who has announced he is not seeking re-election next year. 'We need to think about why are we really here. We're here to solve problems. We're not here to worry about the next election, and unfortunately there's too much focus on pure partisan politics and not enough focus on solving problems confronting the country.'"

I have italicized statements for emphasis.  They are not italicized in the article.

Now let's enter the POLITIZONE and see what is really going on.

In his own words Obama admits that the debt ceiling crisis was "manufactured."  To what ends?  Then he admits "it was something that we could have avoided entirely."  So why didn't they.

To know why, re-read Conrads comments above.

In his own words Conrad acknowledges that career politicians are more interested in their long careers in public service than they are in "solving problems confronting the country."  I find it interesting that Conrad is willing to speak so candidly now that he is retiring from the Senate after serving for 25 years! 

To stop the political insanity WE must put a stop to political careerism.
*The CNN article can be found at:

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