Saturday, June 25, 2011

Are You Angry?

I enjoy reading articles on the political web site  I especially enjoy reading some of the comments readers post.  Some of them are insightful, but most only reflect, and serve to perpetuate, the divisiveness that the Democratic Party leadership and Republican Party leadership foist upon us.  Through their messaging the parties' leadership actively promote the deluding liberal vs. conservative argument which keeps us divided

Those leaders understand the power of emotion.  They know that by playing on our emotions we can be manipulated.  Anger is an especially powerful emotion.  When we are angry we are less likely to think rationally or objectively: our natural tendency is to retaliate.

Why is it important for the parties' leadership to keep us divided and angry?  Every two years the potential exists for the balance of power to shift in Congress from one party to the other.  In 2010 the Republicans wrestled control of the House from the Democrats.  The leadership of the Republican party assumed the positions of power.  The Democratic leadership was relegated to an inferior position.  The Republican leadership had been subject to the will of the Democratic leadership during their reign, but now it was their turn.  They have the power!  They can impose their will on the Democrats!

In 2012 the leadership of the Republican Party wants nothing more than to maintain their hold on power.  The leadership of the Democratic Party wants nothing more than for their party to attain the majority so they can be in power again.

Keeping us divided and angry facilitates the leaderships' efforts to attain or maintain the majority so they can maintain their hold on power or to seize power.  Their messaging keeps us angry so we won't think rationally and recognize we are being manipulated.  Their intent is to keep us focused on retaliation: "We can't let them get away with it anymore!"   


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