Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Albert Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different.  I think that statement accurately describes what has befallen the political process in the United States. Candidates promise change, we vote for change, but we keep getting the same "politics as usual" from our elected representatives.

To enjoy real change in our political system and to enjoy more effective governance WE THE PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES must break the ties that bind us to the two major political parties and begin electing independent candidates! Let's STOP the political insanity because if we keep doing what we've done, we will keep getting what we've got! The time is now!

I am Robert Black and this is my blog. I want to begin a discussion about the stranglehold the two major political parties have on the political process in our country. I want to build a case that it is time to find and elect independent and third party candidates. I welcome a debate on this subject.

Blog etiquette - I welcome all replies and comments. However, please be respectful of other poster's opinions. You may not agree with them, but please do not denigrate any poster. Also, please refrain from using profanity or vulgarity. Thank you.

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